My Hot Water Dilemma, is ongoing……….

I’ve been going out several times daily since we removed the stove to restart the hot water heater without success,  I thought it was something I was doing wrong,  it has always been hard for me to get it IMG_0017 lit but I’d usually finally get it lit in the end.  

I was determined to do it myself but when Lupy, my acupuncture friend came by to look at my sink ( new faucet) I gave in and asked him to light my pilot light for me.

He couldnt either and found there was no gas coming through

I had three different men here today, all at the same time. trying to figure out why I wasn’t able to light the pilot light for my hot water heater.

 they couldn’t figure it out either 

All RV experts in their own way and no one could light my fire.

Tomorrow I’ll take her in to see if I am simply out of propane! Wouldn’t that be silly, the indicator shows I have a quarter tank still that could be wrong.

I really hope this is the fix i need.Would be so simple, even laughable! no hot showers, (really fast cold showers) no hot water to wash the dishes all because I ran out of propane and didn’t know it and didn’t want to ask for help.  Probably a lesson in there somewhere.

My old GG has her propane tank built in so to fill it up we need to take a ride into town. No one comes by to fill propane if your tank is located inside (really the outside) the rv.

I’m wondering if I should see about a setup using the smaller propane tanks, I saw on utube that is a possible fix. I only use propane for the water heater, now that I don’t have my gas stove, the problem came about when we removed the stove but we can’t figure out why that should happen, the gas line was only cut off to the stove. 

Maybe I should look into alternate water heating devices.   




6 thoughts on “My Hot Water Dilemma, is ongoing……….

      1. So far, I have just camped in mine, I’m sure if I was living in it for longer periods of time I would overcome my fear of it.


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