What a Beautiful Day, Time to get Busy!

It was a beautiful morning only 65 degrees but Charley was shivering, I will need a jacket for him sooner than I thought he has very thin skin (me too) So I spent much of the day in the studio trying to make one. First I tried using a Mexican blanket I wasn’t using but that was not a good idea because after cutting it up I realized it really wasn’t warm, and besides I’d made a mess of it. I looked for patterns on line but did poorly making my measurements of Charley though he tried to cooperate but got impatient with my “stand still Charley”. then I remembered this huge soft bathrobe my sister gave me a while back and figured I could share a piece of it to make him his own bathrobe.

So far it’s not working, after hours of trying I gave up for the day and will try again tomorrow hoping we have another cool morning. It was a beautiful day until later when the winds picked up and blew over my chairs, all good

Living with Charley means making some changes, like when do I get groceries? He hates the car and snuggles too close to me, maybe his own seat belt may help him feel more secure but I doubt I’ll ever be able to leave him in the car to shop and I know he will not be quiet if I leave him in the RV alone. So now I’m seeing how long I can wait before getting groceries, using the staples I have on hand. I’ll probably save a heap of money staying out of town!

Could I say he’s a therapy dog? What kind of requirements are there? He certainly qualifies, giving me emotional support and loving companionship. Does he need a badge? Who gives out the badges? Can I make him a badge or whatever, guess I’ll look into this possibility, he is a calm pooch and when I took Becky out to lunch for her birthday he sat nicely under false pretenses of being a support dog.


After some research it seems there are no special qualifications for the dog, but I would need something wrong with me to need a emotional support animal. I’m old, alone and sometimes feel a little bit lonely so I qualify and could probably get a MD note saying so but don’t expect to need one, really who is going to ask me for it? Its not like I want to fly with him or rent an apartment.

After spending $100 on a collar, leash id and vest I now have an emotional support pet that I can take in the stores or where ever I go, he goes with me.

I guess I don’t have to tell you that I ordered the wrong set of what I need , at least I noticed it immediately but not in time, so there you are.

Hoping to catch up with myself again!

2 thoughts on “What a Beautiful Day, Time to get Busy!

  1. Having a pet definitely requires adaptation in various aspects of our lives…sounds like you’re getting it all figured out. By the way, you are a beautiful “old” lady…you wear your age well!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thinking of you, just got back from Colorado,
    Had a wonderful visit with my friends I 20+ years.
    I laughed a lot and cried allt.
    Love you frjend.
    I’m so happy that you have Charley

    Liked by 1 person

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